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Choosing the Perfect Pickleball Trip

We get it; leafing through travel magazines and scrolling websites makes you want to go everywhere. Nowadays, so many places have pickleball, and so many companies offer packages. You could go anywhere, and you want to do it all. However, time and budgets are limited, so here is a guide to choosing the perfect pickleball vacation with Pickleball Trips.


Pickleball Trips features various domestic and international destinations, each offering unique experiences. Have you always wanted to travel to Asia, horseback riding in Montana, or snorkeling in Belize? Do you have health issues that prevent you from traveling too far? Consider your situation, places you have always dreamed about, or interests to decide on the location of your pickleball trip.

Trip Type

Are you looking to hone your skills with intensive training sessions led by top coaches, or prefer a more relaxed atmosphere with plenty of time for sightseeing and leisure play? Some of our trips are more coaching-intensive, while others are focused on the travel side, with pickleball sprinkled throughout. Generally, domestic and North American trips feature more intensive pickleball. International destinations like Asia, New Zealand, and Kenya focus more on sightseeing and cultural experiences.

In addition, some trips move around a country, while sometimes we stay put in one location and do daily side trips. If you want to see as much as possible, trips where we travel around the country are great options. If you don’t like packing and unpacking, choose a trip where we stay in one place.

Check the Itinerary

Each pickleball trip listed on the website includes a detailed itinerary outlining daily activities, training sessions, excursions, or cultural experiences. Pay attention to what is included in the package (e.g., accommodation, meals, transportation) and any optional add-ons that may enhance your trip.

Price and Value

While cost is an essential factor to consider, the overall value of the trip should also be evaluated based on what is included and the quality of the experience. Pickleball Trips offers trips at various prices, so you can find one that fits your budget while still meeting your expectations regarding coaching, facilities, and destination. In general, trips to Asia are of better value because of the cost of living. However, considering the flights, staying in North America could be of better value for you.


If there is a particular instructor that you would like to travel with, you might consider choosing a trip they plan to lead. Some trips also feature local instructors from the host country, while others are instructors from the states. All of our instructors are personable, great teachers, and professional though, so we know you are going to have a great time.

Ask Us Anytime

If you have specific questions or need further clarification about any aspect of a pickleball trip listed on the website, contact us. We can provide additional information, help you customize your trip, and ensure you have all the details necessary to decide.

Private Groups

Finally, Pickleball Trips offers private group trips for 8 or more participants. If traveling with new faces isn’t your thing, consider gathering a group. With a private group, you can customize some aspects of the trip to do exactly what you want. Maybe you want more or less pickleball, more or fewer cultural experiences, shorter or longer trips, etc. Just let us know, and we can create the trip of a lifetime.